Thursday, August 24, 2006

Severely Traumatized!

How does one small dog create such a giant mess?

Oh and are they supposed to poop purple?

We are dog sitting dear sweet, sweet Bootsie...(I can't believe Jeremy trusted us that much!)

She's a blast! I think Ozzie is beginning to like her.

We went for a super walk, two dogs, one owner and we ran really fast.

She and Charlie have established sleeping habits and who gets to lay on me when we're relaxing.

Despite's been a blast.

On the movie front...POSIEDEN rocks!!

Come get a slush puppie and watch for the Movie Factory jersey on Weyburn Red Wing ice--coming to the Colleseum near you!!

Miscellaenous thought: Black and white is boring...just add colour!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Holy Crap! it's a blog

Yet another month in my life has flown by and i'm not sure where it went.

Still trying to catch on to the whole morning shift thing, and to make it more interesting, in about a month I will be reading news for 2 (yes 2, I can be in two places at once) stations.

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF MUSIC WE'RE PLAYING!! They probably wont even tell me until the night before.


In the 3 hours i've been here, i've watched RV twice....It's HILARIOUS!

Come get a slush puppie!!

They're yummy too!

Places to travel to: Saw the Tunnels of Moose Jaw--They were super cool. Even though they made us play along...they were still cool. Also take the trolley tour of Moose see lots of neat stuff.

Quote of the day: Sleep is only manditory if you're paid to make sense.