Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Keeping temper...making use of blog

So I haven't blogged in a while and found that it's not healthy....
I voiced my opinion the other day, but wrong place and wrong time...had i used the blog to vent my anger...well things might have been much better off for me...

So here's my story...

our local school board had to increase the taxes because the stupid provincial government gave them next to NO money to operate this year...yeah they did get 4.3 million, but that's not near enough to run 42 schools with over 8000 students.

so our school board made some noise, as did the official opposition party (well duh! they're the did the liberals)

The MORONIC finance minister had the balls (or lack there of) to stand up in the legislature and say "just because the chair of the board is a defeated sask party candidate, the party is playing dirty politics just before a byelection. if she (board chair) would like to explain to the local residents why there was a tax hike than she should, but don't blame the government cause the money was there"

I happen to really like the board chair...she's really nice and would do nothing to screw the tax payers out of money. And i think the board is just doing it's best to educate children with the little money they're given.

Also, her political affilation should have nothing to do with her what, she ran for the sask party...she just wanted to improve the province, just like the rest of party....

BUT, her politcal hat isn't on while she's doing her job....she's just doing her best.

SO the finance minister can SHOVE IT! and SHOVE IT some more.
I used to have some respect for him but NO MORE!

I am now one of the members of the ANDREW THOMPSON HATE CLUB!!

And people wonder why the NDP popularity keeps going down.

SO that's my rant...I HATE ANDREW THOMPSON!

But i do like Glen Hagel...what a sweet man, who's full of energy and always nice...(man am i naive)

So i'm busy...hardly home, so for those of you who need to contact me....USE EMAIL

Quote of the day: it's best to ask questions and look uneducated now, than keep going down the wrong path and GET FIRED later...


Blogger Pilot said...

Stick it to the man!

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a great quote. I'm not directing it at you or anyone in particular tho. Honest I'm no
Never miss a good opportunity to shut up. Here's another one. Generally you don't learn much when your lips are flapping.

12:26 AM  
Blogger Saskboy said...

Venting on a blog comes with risks too. Since it does archive potential libel for all time :-)

3:05 PM  

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